
九游会j9·(中国)真人游戏第一品牌> 词汇术语
  • a : hi, lucy ! b : hi. it's a wonderful wedding, isn't it? a : yes, it's very great. b : mary's father is a rich man , isn't he ? a : you are right, mary's father is responsible for the entire w...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2803

  • manager: looking through your c.v., i see that you graduated from oklahoma state university. can you tell me what training you have had that would specifically relate to the cable television industry?...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2926

  • conversation 1 a : oh, so many kinds of winter hats. b : what is your favorite color , miss? a : red. 实用交际英语(二十三)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2859

  • 面试英语(三)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2892

  • a : can i help you ? b : how much is it? eight films and a bar of chocolate. a : that's $38, sir. b : can you accept a check? 实用交际英语(二十四)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 3061

  • john: i really think if i can get my foot in the door at this company it will do wonders for my career. do you think you can help me polish my interview style? 面试英语(四)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2723

  • a : you know. i was so lucky yesterday that i had the honour of watching a wonderful debate in nanjing university , my brother studies there. b : you are really lucky, i think. what was the topic the...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 3023

  • interviewer: from reviewing your resume i can see that you have ample experience for this position. what i want to know is why you think you’re right for the job. 面试英语(五)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2942

  • employee: as you know i’ve been thinking about moving my career in a new direction. i am hoping that you will be able to provide me with a reference to help me jump-start my future. 商务英语(二)-北...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2949

  • employer: would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year? 年薪五万六千美元,可以考虑吗? ms. wilson: what kind of benefits are we talking about? 那么福利怎么样? 商务英语(三)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2758



